Sabtu, 24 November 2018

Pedagogical Contents

Horas !! Come back again on my blog. Hmmm this time we will tell you about what? This time I will share about the Pedagogical Contents that I got as long as I became a sudents teacher in the Philippines. This is it .

Teaching methods

The teaching methods used in this school are quite diverse, and almost different every day. Like one day when I was doing an observation in a class, a teacher seemed to give a topic to students and then made a drama story. Not only that, the students were asked to impose their plays in front of the class. This certainly becomes a special attraction and challenge for all students to learn according to the theme presented on that day. Another thing that is not less interesting is the quiz which is a competition for each group, the fierce struggle for value is the spirit that burns students to continue to improve their performance.

Learning materials and innovation

Because schools do not facilitate students' learning manuals, students only get learning material prepared by the teacher and other sources outside the school. Learning innovations carried out are complementary to every learning material from other sources such as the internet, library books, and various other sources that might be obtained outside of school, so that students can still complete their needs for existing learning material.

Sources of learning and technology

There are several learning modules that can be obtained from the government as an additional source of learning. In addition, the computer provided by the school is also an additional alternative for teachers and students to get the learning material. For complete learning, the teacher still uses the blackboard and some handbooks for learning.

Authentic assessment

For authentic assessment, students will be given quizzes and daily assignments that must be done by the students, there are also homework assignments that must be collected the next day. Students usually take advantage of their free time to do shared tasks, so students will be easier and better understand the tasks given. The teacher also gives very clear assignments to provide understanding to students, and usually the results of the tasks that students have done will be discussed together as a reflection and evaluation material.

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